Virtual staging blends the real world and the online world for picture-perfect online marketing photography without any real world work when selling your home.
A well-staged property gives homebuyers the vision to fall in love and make an offer. But when your home is vacant, for example, if you’ve bought and moved before selling. In this case, does it make sense to bring in furniture for staging?
Virtual staging is often appealing for a vacant home because the process is less invasive. We professionally photograph your home empty. Then, all the furnishings and accessories are digitally layered into each image. The results are two sets of imagery: one completely empty and two adorned with tasteful furniture. To effectively digitally alter marketing photos can be controversial. We’ve all ordered something online only to be completely surprised it looks nothing like what was advertised. To avoid being misleading, we use virtually staged images to display accurate to-scale furnishings alongside unfurnished images.
Furnishings give a sense of scale and allow buyers to envision how it would feel to live there intuitively. In contrast, an empty house appeals to buyers looking to move quickly. So, while the marketing photos draw attention to bring buyers into the home, a completely empty home makes purchasing easier from a practical standpoint. A vacant home gives buyers access to everything so they can see the complete condition of the property; buyers love it because it’s a very transparent experience.
So, what do you think, could you have guessed the image at the top of this post has been virtually staged?